Olin lueskelemassa vanhoista, suomalaisista tarinoista, jotka heijastelevat kansamme silloista luontosuhdetta, mutta eksyin aiheesta hieman. Päädyin suomalaisiin sananlaskuihin, joista halusinkin listata parhaimmat. Kyllä vanha kansa tietää!
Ahne on hyvä ottaan mutta käs vapisee, jos antaa tarttis.
I was supposed to be looking for old Finnish stories that reflect on the relationship our nation used to have with nature. I got a little lost, however, and ended up reading Finnish proverbs, of which I wanted to point out the best ones. Many of them don't translate very well, though, but we'll try.
The greedy one is a good taker, but as he is supposed to give, his hand shakes.
Ahne on hyvä ottaan mutta käs vapisee, jos antaa tarttis.
Akoilla ja susilla on maailma pilattu.
Autuaita ovat puupäät, sillä he eivät huku.
Edes joku tolkku pitää olla, sanoi hoitaja kun hullua elvytti.
Ei aatelinen eikä krapu menesty Pohjolassa.
Ei elämä irvistellen somene.
Ei ilman toimeenkaan tule, ettei yhtä kertaa päivässä hullutella saa.
Ei kusihätä paskomalla lähre.
Ei se lapsi ikinä itse kävele, jota aina talutetaan.
Ei se tapojansa paranna, joka ei mieltänsä pahoita.
Elämä on kuin lapsella paita: lyhyt ja sontainen.
Enempi on maailmaa kuin ikkunasta näkyy.
Heleppoo kun paskanajo iliman perälautaa.
Ilossa elää pitää, vaikka päivän vähemmän.
Itku pitkästä ilosta, pieru paljosta naurusta.
Joka aamusella nauraa, se on iltasella haukan persiissä.
Jos ei puhe auta, niin puukko jumalauta!
Jos ei viina, terva ja sauna auta, niin tauti on kuolemaksi.
Kaikki on kaunista, kun vaan silmät tottuu.
Kellä vittu, sillä valta.
Konstit on monet sano akka ku käveli ja kusi ja poimi käpyjä.
I was supposed to be looking for old Finnish stories that reflect on the relationship our nation used to have with nature. I got a little lost, however, and ended up reading Finnish proverbs, of which I wanted to point out the best ones. Many of them don't translate very well, though, but we'll try.
The greedy one is a good taker, but as he is supposed to give, his hand shakes.
The world is ruined with women and wolves.
Happy are the ones with wooden heads, for they won't drown.
We need at least some sense, said the nurse as she was reviving a lunatic.
Neither do the noblemen nor the crabs flourish in the North.
Life won't get prettier by sneering.
One can't go without larking once a day.
You won't get rid of the need to pee by taking a shit.
The kid who's always led, won't learn to walk by himself.
Who does not hurt his feelings will not change his manners.
Life is like the shirt of a kid: short and shitty.
There's more of the world than what can be seen through the window.
Easy as driving shit without a backboard.
One must live in joy, even if it's a day less.
Crying after extended joy, farting when laughing a lot.
The one who laughs in the morning, will end up in the ass of a hawk in the evening.
If talk doesn't help, then there's the knife, goddamnit!
If booze, tar nor sauna won't help, the disease is fatal.
Everything's beautiful after your eyes settle in.
Who's got the cunt has got the power.
Means are many, said the hag while she was walking, peeing and picking pine cones.
You may drink but not rant.
(c) Otavan Opisto |
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