Juhlinta oli aloitettava jo perjantai-iltana,
Celebration already started on Friday night,
the eve to the seventeenth of May.
I had had a long day of snowmobiling,
even if I hadn't seen anything but whiteness.
I sang through all them songs
I remember lyrics to.
I guess I should have celebrated
the 200th birthday of Norway
by watching a parade.
People had dressed up and were walking through town,
waving their little flags.
And then I should have had some champagne
and spoken Norwegian.
But as I got asked
whether I wanted to go on a snowmobile trip,
my answer was yes.
The headache I had earned last night
understood that I didn't like his company and disappeared
as I put on the helmet and hit the throttle.
A sissy like myself barely had control
over Karri's snowmobile.
Quite a powerful toy it was.
The weather was beautiful and for once
we had all the time we wanted.
I could just stop, if I felt like it and take pictures.
Not having a wide-angle objective up here is very frustrating.
The drive to the east coast was much shorter
than I had expected.
We had no binoculars and saw no polar bears.
One could have ended up in less beautiful views as well.
What a great day. Thank you, Norway.
toukokuun seitsemännentoista aattona,
vaikka takana oli pitkä moottorikelkkailupäivä,
jonka aikana en ollut nähnyt juuri mitään,
vain valkeutta,
mutta ehdin laulaa läpi kaikki laulut,
joiden sanat muistin ulkoa.
Oikeasti minun olisi kai kuulunut
juhlia Norjan kahdettasadatta syntymäpäivää
katselemalla paraatia,
jossa kansallispukuihinsa pukeutunut väki
heilutteli pieniä norjanlippujaan.
Ja sitten juoda kuohuviiniä
ja puhua norjaa.
Mutta kun kysyttiin lähtisinkö kelkkaretkelle
vastasin kyllä, totta kai, vaikka oloni ei ollut mitä parhain.
Edellisiltana hankittu päänsärky ymmärsi,
ettei sen läsnäoloa kaivattu,
kun löin kypärän päähän ja painoin kaasua.
Karrin kelkka pysyi juuri ja juuri tällaisen nössön hanskassa.
"Aika ytynen peli tämä!"
Sää oli hieno ja kerrankin oli vain aikaa matkassa.
Sai pysähtyä, jos mieli teki ja kuvata.
Laajakulmalinssittömyys näissä laakeissa maisemissa turhauttaa.
Matka itärannikolle olikin paljon odottamaani lyhyempi.
Kiikareita ei ollut, eikä nalleja näkynyt.
"Ois kait sitä voinu huonompiinki maisemiin päätyä."
Hieno päivä. Kiitos Norja.
Celebration already started on Friday night,
the eve to the seventeenth of May.
I had had a long day of snowmobiling,
even if I hadn't seen anything but whiteness.
I sang through all them songs
I remember lyrics to.
I guess I should have celebrated
the 200th birthday of Norway
by watching a parade.
People had dressed up and were walking through town,
waving their little flags.
And then I should have had some champagne
and spoken Norwegian.
But as I got asked
whether I wanted to go on a snowmobile trip,
my answer was yes.
The headache I had earned last night
understood that I didn't like his company and disappeared
as I put on the helmet and hit the throttle.
A sissy like myself barely had control
over Karri's snowmobile.
Quite a powerful toy it was.
The weather was beautiful and for once
we had all the time we wanted.
I could just stop, if I felt like it and take pictures.
Not having a wide-angle objective up here is very frustrating.
The drive to the east coast was much shorter
than I had expected.
We had no binoculars and saw no polar bears.
One could have ended up in less beautiful views as well.
What a great day. Thank you, Norway.
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