Ajelemme kohti Muoniota, J. Karjalaista kuunnellen. Se toimii aina, se Karjalainen. Varsinkin näin kesäisin. Vasta tunti, tai oikeammin ehkä kaksikin tuntia sitten olimme päättäneet seurata ystävien jäljessä autiotuvalle nauttimaan perjantai-illasta luonnonhelmassa. Rinkat pakattiin kiireellä ja hopulla, kaupasta hedelmiä ja makkaraa.
Kodassa soi kitara ja laulan ne laulut, joiden sanat muistan kokonaan ulkoa. Nuotio lämmittää paljaita varpaita ja kypsyttää letut, pihvit ja loimulohen. Saunanraikkaana ja savuntuoksuisena paikalliseen, Harrinivaan. Yllättyivät mokomat, että sitä voi lähteä sellaisena kuin on, sen kummemmin kasvojaan maalaamatta tai hienoihin hepeneisiin sonnustautumatta. Eivät kai ole vielä huomanneet, että meitä on monenlaisia. Ihmisten seuraaminen on kiehtovaa, varsinkin täällä. Joku kompensoi pientä kokoaan kovalla äänellä, joku toinen on niin innoissaan uudesta haasteesta elämässään, ettei malta olla jakamatta sitä ventovieraille. Yhden tyttöystävä on niin vihainen, ettei ole toista huomaavinaankaan ja toinen kiroaa naisten päättämättömyyttä.
We're driving towards Muonio and listening to J. Karjalainen. He always sounds good, but especially so in summertime. Only an hour, or actually two, ago we had decided to follow our friends and enjoy the Friday evening at a hut in the woods. We packed our rucksacks in a hurry and topped up with some sausages and fruits from the grocery store.
Climbing up the side of Juuvanrova breaks a sweat, which I can feel running down my spine. The evening sun seems to be aiming it's light towards us and which ever way we look, there are fells in the view. And we're only about fifty kilometers from home. It is said several times and will be said several times more, that we did good when we decided to head out.
There's four of us girls and five dogs. Time flies by in such a good company and the night turns into an early morning. Later that morning we lay on our bunks listening to the approaching thunder, hoping it will come straight upon us and show it's force. But it won't do that. There's water trickling down on the cabin wall. One will want to return to this place.
We're heading to another cabin, to which one has to ride a boat on lake Jeris. There is a path too, I hear, but it's so wet. The guys are playing with their new jet ski, pulling each other with it, until the rope gets into the turbine. I have to row a boat to save them, since no one has ever taught me how to drive an outboard motor. The thunder is returning and with it a bunch of boys driving their snowmobiles on the surface of the lake. One of them sinks too, but not that deep. There he stands, water up to his waist and tells someone to bring him some beer.
I'm playing the guitar and singing all them songs I remember lyrics to by the open fire. All freshened up by the sauna and smelling like smoke we head to the local pub, Harriniva. The guys were surprised that we could head out looking like we do, without painting our faces or wearing fancy clothes. Them poor boys haven't yet noticed that not all of us are from the same mold. Observing people is interesting, especially here. Someone is compensating her small size by being loud where as someone else is so excited about this new challenge in his life, that he can't help but share it with total strangers. One's girlfriend is so mad at him, that she acts like he's not there at all and another one, he's cursing women, who seem to be incapable of making decisions.
Finding a ride back to the cabin is a challenge. People are disappearing little by little, each to their own direction and we're staying, waiting for a taxi that should be on it's way. Perhaps. The cold breeze makes it's way through my woolen sweater and finally we all end up sitting in a pile, underneath a pine tree, sharing our body heat with each other like penguins or puppies at half past four in the morning.
It's Sunday and the sun is shining so generously, it feels strange, but sweet. I'm having my breakfast on the dock, looking at the fells standing behind the shores of the lake. Nobody wants to leave, not on a day like this. And why would they, when you could just stay here, stay out of reach.
Juuvanrovan rinne nostattaa hien pintaan, se valuu pitkin kasvoja ja selkää ja muitakin ruumiinosia. Ilta-aurinko heittää säteitään meitä kohti ja molemmille puolille kohoavat tunturit. Emmekä ole kuin ehkä puolensadan kilometrin päässä kotoa. Moneen kertaan toteamme ja moneen kertaan olemme vielä toteava, että onneksi lähdimme.
Neljä emäntää meitä on ja viisi koiraa. Siinä lentää aika hyvässä seurassa kuin siivillä ja yö kääntyy jo aikaiseksi aamuksi. Sinä aamuna me loikoilemme lavereillamme ja kuuntelemme ukkosta. Tulisipa se päälle ja näyttäisi voimansa. Vaan ei se tule, se kiertää. Mökin seinää pitkin valuu vesinoro. Tänne tahtoo palata vielä.
Toiselle mökille on Jerisjärven rannalta mentävä veneellä. Tai pääsisi kuulemma polkuakin pitkin,
mutta on niin märkää. Pojat leikkivät vesijetillä, toisiaan kiskovat sen perässä, kunnes on naru turbiinissa. Se on soudettava pelastamaan miehet hädästä, kun ei kukaan koskaan ole opettanut perämoottorilla ajamaan. Ukkonen tulee takaisin ja sen myötä poikalauma, joka moottorikelkoilla kiitää pitkin järven pintaa. Yksi uppoaakin, vaikkei onneksi syvään veteen. Siellä se seisoo vyötäröään myöten järvessä ja käskee tuomaan kaljaa.
mutta on niin märkää. Pojat leikkivät vesijetillä, toisiaan kiskovat sen perässä, kunnes on naru turbiinissa. Se on soudettava pelastamaan miehet hädästä, kun ei kukaan koskaan ole opettanut perämoottorilla ajamaan. Ukkonen tulee takaisin ja sen myötä poikalauma, joka moottorikelkoilla kiitää pitkin järven pintaa. Yksi uppoaakin, vaikkei onneksi syvään veteen. Siellä se seisoo vyötäröään myöten järvessä ja käskee tuomaan kaljaa.

Kyyti takaisin mökille on kiven alla. Ihmiset katoavat pikkuhiljaa, kukin suuntaansa ja me odotamme taksia, joka on kuulemma tulossa. Joskus. Kylmä pääsee villapaidan läpi ja lopulta istumme kaikki männyn juurella kasassa, lämmittäen toisiamme kuin pingviinit tai koiranpennut puoli viideltä aamulla.
Sunnuntaina aurinko paistaa niin lämpimästi, että tuntuu vieraalta, mutta ihanalta. Minä syön aamiaistani laiturilla ja katselen tuntureita, jotka kohoavat järven rantojen takana. Kenenkään ei tekisi mieli lähteä, ei näin kauniina päivänä. Mutta miksipä tekisikään, kun voisi jäädä sinne ajan ja arkipäivän sääntöjen ulottumattomiin,
We're driving towards Muonio and listening to J. Karjalainen. He always sounds good, but especially so in summertime. Only an hour, or actually two, ago we had decided to follow our friends and enjoy the Friday evening at a hut in the woods. We packed our rucksacks in a hurry and topped up with some sausages and fruits from the grocery store.
Climbing up the side of Juuvanrova breaks a sweat, which I can feel running down my spine. The evening sun seems to be aiming it's light towards us and which ever way we look, there are fells in the view. And we're only about fifty kilometers from home. It is said several times and will be said several times more, that we did good when we decided to head out.
There's four of us girls and five dogs. Time flies by in such a good company and the night turns into an early morning. Later that morning we lay on our bunks listening to the approaching thunder, hoping it will come straight upon us and show it's force. But it won't do that. There's water trickling down on the cabin wall. One will want to return to this place.
We're heading to another cabin, to which one has to ride a boat on lake Jeris. There is a path too, I hear, but it's so wet. The guys are playing with their new jet ski, pulling each other with it, until the rope gets into the turbine. I have to row a boat to save them, since no one has ever taught me how to drive an outboard motor. The thunder is returning and with it a bunch of boys driving their snowmobiles on the surface of the lake. One of them sinks too, but not that deep. There he stands, water up to his waist and tells someone to bring him some beer.
I'm playing the guitar and singing all them songs I remember lyrics to by the open fire. All freshened up by the sauna and smelling like smoke we head to the local pub, Harriniva. The guys were surprised that we could head out looking like we do, without painting our faces or wearing fancy clothes. Them poor boys haven't yet noticed that not all of us are from the same mold. Observing people is interesting, especially here. Someone is compensating her small size by being loud where as someone else is so excited about this new challenge in his life, that he can't help but share it with total strangers. One's girlfriend is so mad at him, that she acts like he's not there at all and another one, he's cursing women, who seem to be incapable of making decisions.
Finding a ride back to the cabin is a challenge. People are disappearing little by little, each to their own direction and we're staying, waiting for a taxi that should be on it's way. Perhaps. The cold breeze makes it's way through my woolen sweater and finally we all end up sitting in a pile, underneath a pine tree, sharing our body heat with each other like penguins or puppies at half past four in the morning.
It's Sunday and the sun is shining so generously, it feels strange, but sweet. I'm having my breakfast on the dock, looking at the fells standing behind the shores of the lake. Nobody wants to leave, not on a day like this. And why would they, when you could just stay here, stay out of reach.
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